- Even if you avoid eating onions or foods cause bad breath no more foul, bad breathcan still be haunting you. And, anyone who has ever stuck with bad breath is not foulshortly before the meeting, dating, or other important agenda and does not have asupply of bubble gum in his pocket (the horror!) know exactly how paniknya stuck with this situation.
To neutralize bad breath that interferes with this, we need to understand the reason of the suspect behind the emergence of bad breath which can make sense of the lowest level plummeted PD. Offered from the page, Sunil Wadhwa, a Professor of oral health at Columbia University, said that most of us often forget to clean bacteria-bacteria attached on the tongue and gums while brushing my teeth.Bacteria-bacteria that are still stuck in the gums and tongue this is sometimes a causeof occurrence of bad breath.
Well, to avoid bad breath because bacteria-these bacteria, naturally the first thing we should do is to clean all parts of the mouth (without exception) while brushing my teeth. But, if we've done a thorough cleanup of bad breath still haunt you, here are some solutions to overcome them.
A dry mouth makes the gas smelled foul in mouth out. So, to avoid bad breath is nottasty, be sure to keep your mouth hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
Carrots and celery.
Watery vegetables such as carrots and celery has a function as a replacement for the toothbrush that can clear the mouth of food scraps that became the cause of bad breath. So, if you are having a problem with bad breath and no chewing gum in your shirt pocket, but you see a carrot or celery within your reach, use them instead.
Scientists have found that the chemical compound polipenol which is found in black tea and green tea can prevent the development of bacteria the cause of bad breath.
Eat an Apple before heading to a meeting room or before you go to meet your girlfriend for a date is not a bad idea. This is because Apple has a content of oxidizedpolipenol that can help you neutralize the odor caused by bacteria in the mouth.
Well, that's the solution to overcome the odor of the breath of foul you may not faceany time. May be useful.
The fastest way of eliminating bad breath (without bubble gum)