- When the body moves more active than usual, then all the organs and systems of the body you ever reacts more active than usual. There are many things that are going onin the body when you're sporting. And this is what makes the sport is part of how tomaintain the best health.
As quoted from, there are so many things that happen when you exercise ormove his body that affect the brain, heart, muscle, liver and body fat, as described inthe following figure.
1. Brain
The brain produces endorphins and BDNF. Endorphins are known so compounds thatrelieve stress, improve mood, increase concentration so happy, and relieve the pain.Whereas BDNF i.e. compounds that help strengthen the nerves of the brain that makes you can learn faster.2. Muscle
Muscle is so much stronger contractions and karen that while sports. This will triggerthe production of muscle fibers is better so that the body had more muscle mass and body so toned.
3. Heart healthy
When a body moves faster, heart rate will also increase. Exercise helps strengthen the heart muscle because muscle fibers of the heart helped shape is thicker and stronger.Sports at once lowers the risk of heart attacks and artery blockage.
4. Hearts
Organ Hi kan also more actively produce healthy red blood cells and helps burnglucose with lactic acid after exercise without the use of insulin. Exercise also lowers the risk of diabetes because it can lower blood sugar levels.
After the recommended sports drink more water and eat a banana and eat foods rich in protein to help build muscle and prevent dehydration. Well, so why bother lookingthe other way if the sport can make you healthy makin
It Happens On The Body You During Sports