Here are a few myths about marriage as reported by dummies.com, Saturday (1/01/2016).
1. Find the perfect Spouse
The couple was having problems in his household sometimes complain that their partner is not the perfect person. Indeed there are some couples who are not destined to be together, but the several problems in the household usually starts from unrealistic expectations.2. a good life partner would be the closer over time
A good marriage is a result of the attention never stops. If you think about it, this myth is the opposite of what we know about achieving something good in life. For example, how can one stay healthy? Of course not only imagine it. A healthy body needs exercise and constant attention.
This can also be applied to get a good marriage relationship. The wedding is the same as with all things in this world, it will continue to change. After some time, to each other will feel no longer as close as they once were. There will be a time you feel angry at your partner, when you question whyyou decided to marry her.
Learning from the past is the most important thing that can make your marriage better. Keep in mind that there is no one else who is an automatic process.
3. Destroy the Marriage Debate
Many married couples argued that the debate is something bad. They hope that all things go well, with some minor problems. If you do not realize that all married couples face these things, then you may feel thatthere is something wrong with your marriage.
Very likely to be a problem in your marriage is too much saving unrealistic expectations, and then disappointed. Many couples choose to go away, rather than having to argue. In the end, the couplewill find that marriage is too messy to be fixed. This is why the debate into a positive force in a marriage.
Keep this is different by doing everything together, this myth will only make one between you and your partner feel trapped. A marriage needs togetherness and independence. Each couple should understandhow to balance both of these into their married life.
An imbalance in the relationship of marriage usually starts from one between you and your partner there who take the role of "stiff". For example, a husband who doesn'twant to help work in the kitchen, because it felt that it was the duty of his wife. And a wife who does not want to go to work, because it is felt that it is the duty of the husband.
Currently, all couples should be able to reasonably flexible for willing to cooperate in performing any task. A good marriage is an attempt to unify the shortcomings and advantages of 2 people.
All couples who have been married for sure want this marriage relationship goes smoothly and harmoniously. You may want all Your dreams and hopes for the life ofyour wedding are met. However, you should remember to be realistic and keep trying to make it real.
4. Should always be Together
This myth comes from the expectations of the couple in a happy marriage should do everything together. But in fact every couple should keep a certain amount of detachment. When two people get married, they bring together their lives, as parentscame together.Keep this is different by doing everything together, this myth will only make one between you and your partner feel trapped. A marriage needs togetherness and independence. Each couple should understandhow to balance both of these into their married life.
5. Complementing each other
Happiness in marriage is more valued than ability to complement each other. You will feel lucky if gets smart couples, so you can always expand your insight. However, ifyour spouse always depend on you, you will probably find that the relationship This marriage is not balanced.An imbalance in the relationship of marriage usually starts from one between you and your partner there who take the role of "stiff". For example, a husband who doesn'twant to help work in the kitchen, because it felt that it was the duty of his wife. And a wife who does not want to go to work, because it is felt that it is the duty of the husband.
Currently, all couples should be able to reasonably flexible for willing to cooperate in performing any task. A good marriage is an attempt to unify the shortcomings and advantages of 2 people.
6. The purpose of the marriage Was getting what dreams are Shared This idea is nothing new.
All this time, people married to meet the needs of the economy and have children. Now, many people married to cater for personal satisfaction. Many people complain that their partner no longer loves her, or he no longer loves his wife. The complaint stems from unrealistic expectations. You mayoften hear the myth that couples who loves you, he is willing to do everything for you.There is no justification of this myth, you are not entitled to demand anything fromyour partner because his love on you.
All couples who have been married for sure want this marriage relationship goes smoothly and harmoniously. You may want all Your dreams and hopes for the life ofyour wedding are met. However, you should remember to be realistic and keep trying to make it real.
6 myths about Marriage