Dolifestyles.com - The year 2015 is already closing day, all stories, memories, success, failure, love, andgrief are coloring your life experiences. We are not only able to silence just staring atthe past, but got up and smiled with the spirit of facing the future.
Every year has its own prediction, many curious society will color, number, or date that brings good luck in this year. Prepare yourself to welcome good fortune in the year2016. As reported by of elitereaders, Fri (1/1/2015), here are some predictions will luckin 2016 could you believe or not.
1.2016 was the year of the fire Monkey
According to the Chinese calendar, 2016 was the year of the monkey Firestarted on February 8, 2016. That date is the Chinese new year which started on the second night of the moon on the Solstice in the winter.
2. The year of the monkey will Fire at the end on January 27th, 2017
If we usually end the year at 31 December 2016, in contrast to the Chinese calendartanggalan. According to Chinese astrology, the year of the monkey will Fire ended on 27 January 2017.
3. is identical to the year 2016 "Game Changer" or Game Modifiers
2016 is identical with animal monkey that has the character of an active, curious, andenthusiastic. That is because those born in the year of the fire Monkey is always appreciated and have low levels of risk.A Feng Shui expert. Susan Levitt said that 2016 was the right time to make a changeand move on. However, Levitt also cautioned not to mistakenly believe in people withthe wrong tactics or tricks.
4. Elements of 2016 is fire
Based on the five elements of Taoist beliefs, 2016 is marked with fire. With this, the year of the monkey will be much more bright and shining.Fire is the symbol of passion that generate happiness, creativity, and intensity. Want to be cautious, however, with the element of fire because it also has a substantialpotential threat.
5. The color of luck: bright red, light blue, white, and gold.
There is no one specific color to represent good luck in the year 2016. According toastrology, the best color to fill this year are bright red, bright blue, white and gold too.6. wind direction: West
Fill in the year 2016, not only colors, animals, and the elements that became the image of a fortune, but also the direction of the wind. Experts recommend the direction the winds that bring luck at this year's West. One example of applying the sewind direction as the direction of holiday destinations to the West.7. the Talisman of luck 2016
For those of you who believe in amulets or items of luck, 2016 is the turn for the PiYao or Bixie. In Chinese mythology, is the figure of the winged lion Bixie who have the ability to ward off evil energy and protect people.8. Time luck 2016
According to the Chinese calendar, divination is not just a matter of color, Zodiac, andthe direction of the wind, but also time good luck. Each symbol has a specific range ofhours. In addition to monkeys, 2016 is also represented by animals, dragons, snakesand rats. The following are some range time with animal symbols described it.- Monkey: at 15:00-17:00
- Dragon: 7.00-9.00 p.m.
- Snake: 9.00-11.00
- Rat: 23.00-1.00
9. Lucky number
Lucky numbers coloring 2016 is 4.6, and 9. Figure 9 depicts a monkey which is theninth Zodiac. Figure 9 many interpreted as an ambition, kecerdasaan and a little bit oftrouble.
9 2016 Forecast according to Chinese Belief