Coffee Black Or Coffee Milk, Choose Where?

Coffee Black Or Coffee Milk, Choose Where? - Lately, coffee drinks have become increasingly popular among young children. Call"get some coffee" was already commonly heard. A growing number of coffee outlets at competitive prices make people easier to get good coffee.

It used to be a lot more coffee is enjoyed only by steeping the sugar and hot water. In contrast to now, where the coffee outlet offers a selection of the type of presentation of coffee. Istilahi coffee latte and cappuccino also no stranger.

According to the coffee enthusiast and author of the blog for coffee, Toni Wahid, milk based coffee like coffee latte and cappuccino has indeed increased its popularity. Based on the results of a survey conducted in a number of cafes, 95percent of people choose milk based coffee.

"It's a reflection of this drink is very popular compared to drink black coffee. Drinks coffee with milk have started much since there are coffee outlets in Indonesia. Coffee has become the lifestyle community, "said Toni, Saturday (7/11/2015).

Toni rate, the rising popularity of milk based coffee because the coffee and milk is a blend that fit. So when drunk, bitter sense of appropriate coffee any more could beternetralisir.

However, to choose one of them, back to the taste. Toni says, coffee is the mostdemocratic, so it depends who wants to meminumnnya. In fact, the addition of theother ingredients in a serving of coffee is already there from the first, for example,used to be people often mix the coffee with grated Palm sugar so that it tastes sweet.

How about you, select black coffee or coffee milk?

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