When angry parents, the children will fight and the more often presume that what they are doing is interesting as well as fun. When the fruit of hearts at home fighting,there are actually several ways that parents need to be done to resolve it. What the hell do I? From the stories of friends and relatives who have had heart, and fruit fromits own experience hehe, here's some ways to overcome the bickering children (brother-sister).
- Faced With Equanimity, Faced With A Cool Head
When children fight, be sure to deal with it with a cool head, patient and calm. Keep on smiling while separating the two. Do not direct emotion or anger. Because what?When parents come into your emotions and temper the moment breaks the kakak-adik, they could even be the more emotional and angry with each other. So, try toremain patient and calm in the face of them.
Consciously or not, when I saw the elderly patient, gently on the child's emotions will also mute and they can get along. Here, parents have an important role to print aheart patient and fruit. If parents give an example of the nature of the patient andquiet, the child will grow and develop into a private patient and quiet anyway. - Give The Same Affection On Both
The next way to make brothers and sisters get along anyway and never quarrel, parents need to give the same affection on them. Make sure that the mother and father never discriminate fruit hearts.
Whatever and however the condition of the fruit of the heart, try to give the sameaffection on them. If there is a dispute on the fruit of the heart, try to be impartial to any of them. However remember, be sure to stand up for the true and good. Theydevised with a soft tone and easily understood by a child. - Diverting Attention To Fruit Hearts
When brother and sister argue, do not jump split especially to scold them. Let both ofyou met an opinion first, if approximately quarrels they have peaked and exceeds the limit, immediately diverting the attention of the children.
Invite children to make or see something interesting for both. If it is not possible to invite both, call one of the fruit of the heart and ask for help from him. For example,take the wallet in the room or turn off the lights. That way, kids will slowly a quieterand quarrels they could subside by itself. - Teach Them To Resolve Problems With Heart Fruit
Every quarrel conducted by child there must be a reason. For it, ask the kids what was the cause of their quarrel. If you've found the cause, teach children to admit admit his guilt and responsibility.
Also teach them to resolve the problem. Devised that what they have done is not good. For children is wrong, ask them to apologize and not repeat his fault again. As for the innocent, ask them to apologize anyway.
The mother, that's some way to do when he wanted to break up the fruit of the heart and make them no longer fight. In addition to the above, another way you can do ispraise each good that kids do, give a hug on the child, gives hope and gifts on the child if the child is capable of being nice to each other and get along with each other.Hopefully this information useful Yes.
Children Often Quarrel? No Need To Worry, Mother Of The Fix