Dolifestyles.com - At the moment the technology is increasingly sophisticated and allows you to get instant white teeth color, does not hurt to eat some delicious food friendly dental beauty. Yuk, restore color to yellowed teeth become white now!
Strawberries have a fairly high content of folic acid which serves flaking surface stainerode da gear. Cute red fruit also has a high vitamin C which is able to inhibit th estreptococcal bacteria in the mouth that trigger the growth of plaque and Tartar.
Bromelain enzyme in pineapple useful as a natural stain because of its ability to solve the plaque. Bacteria in plaque produce acids that can erode tooth enamel and cause dental caries.
Dark chocolate turns out to contain chemicals that are safe for teeth and functioningbetter than flouride. Meanwhile, the natural ingredient theobromine can harden thesurface of the enamel of the tooth. It was beneficial because it prevents other foods change the color of your teeth.
Crunchy fruits and vegetables
When you chew the crisp vegetables and fruit such as apples, celery, and carrots, unwittingly rubbing will help stubborn stains that stuck to the surface of the teeth. In addition the celery could help erode the existing plaque in your mouth. Even when clearing a space between teeth can still remove the germs.
Chicken and eggs
Both of these delicious foods contain vitamin D which play an important role in regulating protein da email formation of teeth. Therefore the chicken and eggs have good benefits and help to strengthen the process of mineralized tooth email.
Processed products made from milk can help eliminate germs and leftover food that clings to teeth so that teeth become whiter and brighter.
6 Nutritious Delicacies to Destroy Plaques And White's Teeth