Dolifestyles.com - One of the problems experienced by owners in the makeup of dry skin is not stuck to the perfect makeup on the face. However, it can be disiasati with the selection of the appropriate foundation and Moisturiser. As revealed by the dermatologist, Dr. Sari Chairunissa SpKK to the Dolifestyle team, Friday (4/9/2015).
Our face analogous like bricks and moisturized is semennya. Therefore Dr. Sari recommends that we always use Moisturiser easily decorated and not chipped when powder is applied.
"Please choose a moisturiser with SPF of at least 30 sections as much as two fingers and apply evenly on the skin of the face before starting the makeup," advice.
After moisturizing dibalurkan, Dr. Sari, further strengthen basic makeup with flimsy foundation or the bb cream. He also recommends to choose liquid foundation in order to more quickly assimilate.
"For oily skin, the techniques are applying thin-thin foundation. It is advisable to wear liquid foundation. The role of the foundation can also be replaced with the bb cream, "
Tricks of Makeup for the face is dry so that it sticks to Perfect Makeup